Friday, September 9, 2011

Secrets exposed

I was recently tagged in a post by the award-winning Alex Kerr that was along the lines of "tag 15 people and get them to do the same". Or something like that. I was side-tracked by the thrill of her win. But the award came with those prerequisites.

So I thought that even though I'm not a fan of chain letters, chain emails or 'send this to 10 friends or you'll next have sex again' type things, I thought I'd share 7 things about myself that you might not know. (Read Alex's blog and it'll make sense. Trust me)

So here there are. The things you may, or may not, know about me:

1. I am the oldest, wisest, most charming, funny and beautiful of my 2 siblings. And I'm sure they'd agree. Or they should if they know what's good for them.

2. I'm most at peace in a book shop or library with a nice hot cup of tea and a few hours solitude. Ah, the bliss of books. Real, paper books. Don't get me wrong, I love my eReader but nothing compares to the joy of holding a book in your hands. Please feel free to suggest any good reads to me. I'm always interested in what people are reading. And I read anything! Except fantasy/dragon/hobbit styles or Harry Potter.

3. I fell into my career. When I left school I had big plans to be a hairdresser. I went to training college and worked in a few salons. The last salon I worked in was wonderful. The girls were great and the boss wanted nothing but the best, in a strict motherly way. However, the time came that I had to make a decision between doing the course my boss had bagged out or ....? I opted to find another job. And turned to my back-up plan, office work. Through temping I ended up by accident with my current employer, and more than 10 years and a few promotions later, here I am.

4. I'm bossy. Seriously. I blame being a Capricorn, It's my way or the highway. And everything must be within my control. Having said that, I've learnt how to suggest or offer ideas that the receiver thinks are their own when in fact it's my way! I'm not good at letting go. Not completing deadlines freak me out.

5. I believe in ghosts. Because I was visited on a few occasions by a family spirit who wanted to make sure I was ok. I freaked out! Until I saw a medium and as a total skeptic was told things she could never had known. Now I'm at peace with the spirit world and have haven't been visited again but I know I'm still being watched over.

6. I love 80's movies. John Hughes, Molly Ringwald, the brat pack. Breakfast Club, Weird Science, Pretty In Pink, 16 Candles, St Elmo's Fire... the list goes on and on. Give me some wine and an 80's flick & I'm set for a night in!

7. I hate magicians and clowns. Clowns is easy to work out. I never liked fancy dress days. I didn't like the idea of being different from everyone else. (An aside: I used to freak out on the first day of school in case I turned up in a different uniform from everyone else). In preschool we had clown dress up day. Imagine my horror. Being forced as a 4 year old to dress up, as a clown. Every photo is of me in tears. Thus to this day I hate clowns. Don't even try to change my mind.

Magicians are something different. I get that you've got a skill. Yay you. But if I can't work out how you picked that card, or where that coin was hidden you can get fucked. Yeah I said it. I don't want to see your smug magician face saying you'll show me again more slowly. Just take your magic elsewhere weirdo and leave me alone.

So that's 7 (hopefully) new things about me for you to know now. How about you leave me something new about you to share the love?


  1. Wow I didn't know we had so much in common.
    I too am bossy, I LOVE the 80's and I hate magicians. So I totally get this.

  2. Guess what last night's "entertainment" was.... yep a magician. Thankfully he didn't come and try to wow us with his skills.
