Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Battle Ready

Having two little girls I am always aware of the image I'm putting out there and how they might interpret it. Everyone has heard of the little girl who watched her mother constantly berate herself and her appearance and ended up with low self esteem and an eating disorder. It's with this in mind that (even though I do have moments of disappointment in my appearance) I never try to over emphasise my feelings in front of the girls. I try to be honest (this dress doesn't fit right, instead of "Ugh this dress makes me look fat!!") and I tell them all the time how beautiful and unique they are.
In the months leading up to starting school, my mothers group and I would discuss bullying and how to protect our kids against it. I had never thought how to discuss bullying with my daughter, instead I aimed to give her the self confidence to not be bothered by bullying. My plan was (and is) to teach her to love herself for who she is and enjoy being herself. Not to think she's better than anyone else, but to know she is as good as the next person. And almost 2 terms into Prep I think we've done ok. There have been moments of bullying but my delightful daughter comes home and explains the situation perfectly. "Mummy, Anna wasn't very nice to me today. I think she's forgotten that even though you don't have to be friends with everyone you still have to be kind."
So for now I think we're doing ok. The lessons certainly aren't learnt, they are on-going. And her self confidence is something that we keep nourishing too.

She confident enough to be herself and do her own thing when everyone else is doing the 'done' thing and if when she's a little older and wants to start wearing make up or skanky clothes, I'll explain that no, you don't have to be like everyone else to be beautiful.

But a solider wouldn't go into battle without his weapon or a knight without his armour. Either piece would be pointless with the skills and training they have, and as such, I don't go into battle without eyeliner, lipstick and perfume. While they aren't going to win me the war, they sure as hell help me face the battle. 

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