Sunday, June 12, 2011

Generation ??

Recently while discussing the quirks and differences of generations X and Y I discovered another generational "cusp-er" like myself. Generation cusp-ism was something I've been struggling with for years but didn't know there were others like me. What a discovery!

Wikipedia seems to claim Gen X is anyone born between 1961 - 1981 and Gen Yer's are those born between 1982 - 1995. However other sources claim Gen Y starts in 1982 and can include years anything up to 2003.

So being born in 1981 where do I land, and what traits defines me? As a fellow cusp-er described "We're too young to get Gen X respect but too old to 'have it all' like Gen Y". A truer word has never been said. Shows like Talking 'Bout Your Generation confuse me. I identify with the Gen X team, but am told I should be in the Gen Y team. The new Gen Y "kids" at work confuse me. They're all celebrating 21st birthdays (80's themed which they have to google for costume ideas) and look puzzled when I start talking about Fraggle Rock or mention Mr T. I can not be associated with a generation that doesn't get The Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High books, leg warmers, fluro and owning a second hand Datsun 1200Y (or similar) as your first car without personalised plates, or who claim the TV shows of their childhood are Rugrats and Power Rangers. Seriously? You don't know who Punky Brewster is? You didn't know Johnny Depp was on 21 Jump Street? And you never saw You Can't Do That On Television? 

Overall I have nothing against Gen Y but you make me feel old. And I'm supposed to be one of you! So I propose Cusp Generation. Who's with me?   


  1. Being part Gen X and part Gen Y means you have the power to educate the Gen Ys on all those awesome things that make Gen X awesome.

    I am disgusted by the fact that (a) Many Gen Ys didn't know Kermit the Frog was ever on Sesame Street, and (b) Many Gen Ys don't know who Kermit the Frog is!!! WHAT???

    Yeah, it's all Elmo and that stupid wish fairy character for them when it comes to Muppets... Muppets? What does that mean? *shakes head in disappointment*

  2. Meh, I'm just cranky coz I took a path less traveled. GenX got serious just in time for the post modern era and GenY was born thinking about their branding. It's all a big game of catch up for us 'Cuspers'. ;-)
