Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hey Jerk Face!! - This lady has road rage

I'll admit that I suffer the occasional case of road rage. No, road rage is the wrong term. It invokes ideas of crazy people with baseball bats and death wishes. Let's go with traffic induced frustrations. However, ask my passengers and they'd probably say it's more often than occasional but what do they know. Truth is I like driving. I have no problems with sitting in traffic (unless I have to be somewhere, like $1 every minute late charging daycare or something) and am generally pretty mellow. But there is one thing that really pisses me off. And it's not even a law breaking thing. It's a courtesy. A freaking courtesy!

Wave dammit!!
It's the wave. You know the scene, where the traffic has to zipper merge in (letting one car in for every car already in the lane) or where a lane ends etc. Now it's a courtesy to wave to the car behind that let you in. It's not required by law, but it is a freaking courtesy. I could have speed up jerk and not let you in. I could have. But I didn't. I let you in, and you should wave your thanks. I always wave thanks. I have to stop myself waving thanks when the other car has to give way to me by law. I'm just that friendly. My kids think it's weird that I'm constantly waving to strangers but I'm teaching them about courtesy. And karma.

For a second I'll seriously think twice about letting you in again if you didn't wave the first time. For fear of damage to my car though I will let you in if traffic permits, but you'll get the worst scowl I can manage.

So if you let me in while driving around you know I'll give you a cheery thank you wave. And if I let you in.... I expect the same back.

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